Monday, October 4, 2010

90210's 2021 Vision (S3, E3)

In this episode of 90210, Naomi is still feeling the effects of Mr.Cannon's rape. Of course who wouldn't? But now more than ever, it's really starting to affect her. She now has trouble sleeping because she's constantly having flashbacks of the night he raped her. So, she tries turning to tv and relaxation tapes and those don't work. That's when it takes a turn for the worse...since nothing else was working, she turns to sleeping pills. Let's just say she popped a couple and it didn't work so she popped a few more and oh yeah, she was drinking alcohol with it so then what happened? Well, Silver walks in and finds her passed out!! Oh yeah, and whats goin on with Silver? remember when she didn't believe Naomi when she told her that Mr. cannon raped her? It turns out Silver found out herself when Mr. Cannon invited her in his house and tried to drug her tea with some date rape drugs, but good thing Silver was smart enough to notice before it was too late! What was probably the most unexpected part of this episode, for me, was when Teddy woke up(after a night of drinking) in someone else's bed!! Wait til Silver finds out that he's been drinking again! And that he's sleeping with other people! But you might be wondering what part of that was unexpected...well did I forget to mention that Teddy slept with a guy!!! As for Oscar, he's still up to his usual...bringing more tension to Dixon and Ivy's relationship. Oscar told Dixon that Ivy was a virgin with the intention of creating tension between Dixon and Ivy. Dixon was upset that Ivy couldn't be honest with him. Annie also confronts her boss after she starts to get suspicious about her boss's wierd behavior and finds out that the reason why she and her husband were acting so weird was because they are unable to conceive children and makes Annie an offer that she might not be able to refuse. Adrianna, on the other hand, sings a song at Javier's memorial hoping that everyone thinks is hers when it's really Javier's. It even becomes a huge hit and this becomes a problem when someone has a video of Javier singing the song months before he died! Uh oh doesn't sound good for Adrianna!

Here's the preview for this episode...hope you like it!!

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