In Tuesday's episode of Glee, there was a lot of teenage hormones going on . . . and some adult ones. The show starts off with Finn talking to Sam about each other's girlfriends and what they do when they try to "cool off" during a hot make-out session. Finn explains that he thinks about hitting someone with a car to cool down. Sam then sees Coach Bieste and decides that she would be great for that role.
Later Mr. Schuester announces who New Directions will be up against at their sectionals competition. Schuester decides that they are going to have a girls verses boys mash-up competition to get ready for sectionals and everyone is excited and gets to working on ideas almost instantly. The guys must sing songs that are usually performed by women and vice versa for the girls.
Also, Puck is back! He got out of juvie early because he agreed to do community service. For his community service, he told his probation officer that he was going to help a crippled person, Artie.
Later that night, Sam and Quinn are making out and Sam is about to go over the edge. So he thinks about Bieste to cool him down. In the process, he ends up saying "Bieste" when Quinn asks him to say her name. Quinn goes to Sue to talk about her worries with Sam. She suggests that Quinn takes her problem with Sam public, not only to help Quinn and Sam, but to also get Bieste gone from the school.
During lunch, Puck takes Artie outside. They start singing a song that I had never heard of before called "One Love." They end up getting about $300 and Puck decides that they are going to take Brittany and Santana out to dinner.
Meanwhile, Kurt goes to one of New Direction's competitors school to spy on their glee club. He meets what seems to be the club's captain, Blaine. He takes him to a performance that they are putting on. They end up singing Katy Perry's song "Teenage Dream." Now, I'm not a fan of Katy Perry, but I loved what they did for the song and I can't stop listening to it. Kurt obviously loved it also. He was practically memorized by Blaine.
Back at McKinley, Mike tells Tina about what Sam has been doing to cool off. Tina thinks that its funny, but wants to see if it works. Her and Mike start making out in a classroom. Mike wants to leave because he is afraid to get caught, but Tina won't back down. She ends up saying "Bieste" while making out with Mike, just like what happened between Sam and Quinn. Tina freaks out and runs out of the room.
Outside, Sam and Quinn are getting into an argument about what happened between them. Quinn thinks that Sam is doing things with Bieste. She ends up accusing Bieste of her and Sam's problems. Then Mike comes around the corner and tells Bieste to stay away from Tina. Bieste is really confused as to what's going on and really wants to find out.
Sam and Mike end up telling Schuester what is going on. He is really upset because its going on in the glee club and he knows that if she found out, she would freak out. He tells them to tell everyone else in the club that they can't use Bieste anymore.
Back at the rival's school. Kurt is sitting down with Blaine and two other members of the club because they realized that Kurt was actually spying. What ends up happening is a heart to heart between Kurt and Blaine. Kurt tells him what is going on in his life at school and how he is having a hard time being the only person out of the closet. Blaine tells him that the only way to overcome this is to refuse to be the victim and to confront him.
The next day, Bieste confront will about what is going on. Will tells her everything and she gets really upset. She takes it personally like any other person would and walks out.
Finally, the girls perform their mash-up. The end up mixing the songs "Living on a Prayer" and "Start Me Up." I really enjoyed this performance. It was something that the girls have never done before. And I really love "Living on a Prayer," so it might be a tad bit biased. Anyways, after the performance, Sue makes Schuester meet her in the auditorium to announce to him that Bieste quit.
Will ends up finding Bieste when she is cleaning out her stuff from the locker room. She confides in Will that she has never been kissed. He feels bad for her and ends up giving her, her first kiss. He talks her into going to the boy's mash-up performance the next day so that they can apologize to her. The boys sing the songs "Stop in the Name of Love" and "Free Your Mind." It was really good and Bieste ends up forgiving them and they have a cute little group hug.
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