Let’s say that you are some talented, good-looking, and adult actresses on one of the hottest shows on television right now. Why not pose for a cover of a men’s magazine…like GQ?
Well it gets a little harder to answer when you are in the show Glee that is loved by preteens. And when you are posing as a high-school girl in you panties and bra with your legs spread open sitting on a locker room bench, or suggestively licking a lollipop in the same outfit leaning on a locker.
People and critics are asking, “Did Glee go too far?”
The cover of the November issue of GQ magazine will feature Lea Michelle (who plays Rachel B
erry), Diana Agron (Quinn Fabray), and Cory Monteith (Finn Hudson). There will also be a spread inside the magazine with some more ‘racy’ pictures shot by Terry Anderson. The controversial GQ magazine saw over 33 million page views after the scandalous Glee photos hit the Internet two weeks ago. To try and get more views, GQ is releasing a behind the scenes video of the photo shoot.
The Parents Television Council goes as far to say, “It borders pedophilia.” Even Katie Couric says she is disappointed with the actors. (But who listens to that woman anyway?) :D
The main worry of critics and parents is that kids that watch Glee will be seeing these photos.
However, I feel as though it is up to the parents to monitor what their children see. If you are so worried about your child seeing these “racy” photos, shouldn’t you be censoring what they see in the first place?
Also, the show has been known to deal with very controversial topics like teenage pregnancy, homosexuality, the loss of virginity, and it even touched on drug usage when Puck laced the bake sale cupcakes with marijuana. So the parents are okay with their children watching these topics being talked about in the show, but they aren’t okay with them seeing somewhat “racy” photos?

The pictures don’t really even show more than what a bikini would. Sure its bras and panties, but I have seen much worse bikinis that show much more than what Diane and Lea are showing in these photos.
This is also a MEN’S magazine! Why would 8-10 year olds even be looking at such a magazine? I remember when I was 8 years old and the only magazines I saw in my household were Good Housekeeping and some computer magazine that my mom and dad read. Now, I am sure that there were other explicit magazines in my house that I had no idea were there because my parents put those inappropriate magazines in a hidden spot where I couldn’t go. Maybe these parents should do the same thing.
Now some people may say that there is the Internet now. If you didn’t know, there is such a thing now called “Parental Control.” It’s a great invention and should probably be used more by these parents that are freaking out over what I think is a good photo shoot.
I just think that this whole photo shoot is being blown out of proportion. My applause goes to GQ for thinking of this idea because they are reaping all of the benefits from what is going on right now. Like I said, they got 33 million page views after a couple of days that the photos hit the Internet. I might even buy the issue to be able to read the full article.
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