I finally saw “Jackass 3D” this weekend! I thought it was really funny but some parts were just disgusting. I really liked the duck hunting one. In which the guys were in the boats and someone flew off the blob. I thought that was hilarious. The friends I went with had varying thoughts about the movie. My one guy friend said that it was the greatest movie of the year. He was ranting and raving about it the whole way home. I sat next to him and he was laughing so hard through out the entire movie. It was really funny to watch him freak out like that. But one the other hand my roommate and our other friend, Lindsey, didn’t really like it as much as he did. They thought it was okay and they both agreed that seeing penises wasn’t funny and that that shouldn’t be entertaining. They both thought that is was okay but not nearly as highly as one of my guy friends thought. I thought it was funny through out the whole movie. But I am one of those people who laugh when other people laugh but I don’t really think that had anything to do with it. I like seeing people do stupid stuff I think its really funny. I didn’t necessarily like seeing them puking but at least I wasn’t hiding and covering my ears like my roommate was. But that is because she hates that and she is afraid of anything that has to do with throwing up. Even the word grosses her out. I thought “Jackass 3D” was very funny and disgusting at some parts but you have to expect that out of the crew.
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