Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Special Education: Episode Recap Part 1

Can you say drama? This week’s episode was full of drama. Right from the beginning clip, things in the glee club aren’t going so well.

While Schuester is talking to Emma about what he plans to do this year for Sectionals, she cuts in and says, “No, let me guess. Finn and Rachel are going to do a ballad, right? Followed by the kids joining in with a classic rock number where Mercedes will belt out the last jaw-dropping note.” She continues talking about how the glee club is full of talent.

Schu decides that he is going to finally change things up and go with what he has been trying to do since the beginning. He announces that he is going to feature Brittany and Mike Cheng’s dance moves and Quinn and Sam are going to do a duet. Rachel is clearly upset with the decision.

When Rachel and Santana start to go at, arguing about Sectionals, Santana spills the beans that her and Finn had sex last school year (which Finn lied to Rachel about during the “Furt” episode). In a counseling session with Emma, Finn admits that she lied. Rachel ends up storming out of the session after Finn says some pretty stupid things.

Meanwhile at Dalton Academy, Kurt is “inducted” into the Warblers, which is Dalton Academy’s glee club. He is given an actual Warbler bird and is to take care of it as part of his initiation. They begin talking about their set list for Sectionals and Kurt, as always, has an idea up his sleeve. But when he tells the council his idea, they shut him down because they really have all the say in song selection. You can see that Kurt is hurt, but he seems to be okay with it. They notice that Kurt is a good player about his idea being shot down, so they offer him to audition for a solo at Sectionals.

Back at McKinley, Artie finds Brittany hiding in a corner. She is nervous about being featured at Sectionals, so Artie gives her a “magic comb” that is supposed to make you win if you come your hair with it. Being as intelligent as she is, Brittany believes in the comb and is ready to conquer high school show choir!

With bad energy still going on in the glee club, Schuester ends up getting really upset after seeing Rachel walk in with her mouth duct taped shut. He tells the club that they should be happy since they are in a club with so much talent and they should stop focusing on themselves. He says that they are going to be good sports about Sectionals and be happy, no matter the outcome.

Later, Puck realizes that Rachel is in a bad mood and offers to help her out. She takes his help and they walk together down the hallway with Rachel practically feeling up Puck’s arm. You can tell that something may happen between them.

The next day, Tina walks up to Artie in the hall and tells him that Brittany and Mike are having a little affair while getting the dance moves for Sectionals. At first Artie doesn’t buy it and starts to be worried. Artie runs into Brittany later, and she blows him off because she has to rehearse. He seems really worried now about it.

Then while Rachel is sulking in her favorite place to sulk, the auditorium, Kurt asks for her help with his solo audition. She tells him to sing “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.” Even though his singing wonderful, Kurt doesn’t get the solo because the Warblers aren’t used to such theatricality. They are more about the team and less about individuals, which Kurt isn’t used to at all.

*Part 2 will come Friday!*

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